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01 feb. 2013 the kick-off meeting will be held under the contract EuropeAid/133103/C/SUP/UA: “Supply and installation of a wood incinerator”

01.02.2013, at the head office of the “Ukratominstruments” Corporation will take place the kick-off meeting under the project EuropeAid/133103/C/SUP/UA: Health and Ecological programmes around the Chernobyl exclusion zone: “Supply and installation of a wood incinerator” (Contract № 2012/293-261).

The project is a part of INSC program for 2011 in which there are foreseen different experimental activities to support Ukraine in solution of health and environmental problems associated with the consequences of the Chernobyl accident for Ivankov district of Kiev region, Ukraine.

The project consists of the design and construction of experimental incinerator plant that works on the biomass. It`s intended for reducing the risk of fires in the region and of further spread of contamination in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, through the collection and incineration of radioactive contaminated timber harvesting waste.

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