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03 червня 2019 р. корпорація «Укратомприлад» провела чергову технічну нараду Робочої групи проекту U4.01/14С (оцінка безпеки майданчиків поводження з радіоактивними відходами ДК «Укр ДО «Радон»)

3 червня 2019 року відбулася чергова технічна нарада Робочої групи проекту U4.01/14С, за участі представників консорціуму та широкого кола зацікавлених сторін, а саме: Бенефіціару, Державного Агенства зони відчуження (ДАЗВ), Кінцевого Користувача – Державної корпорації “Українське державне об’єднання ” Радон” (ДК «Укр ДО «Радон»), Державних міжобласних спеціалізованих комбінатів, які входять до складу ДК «УкрДО «Радон» (ДМСК), технічних фахівців, ключових і не ключових експертів проекту (від корпорації «Укратомприлад», Brenk та Plejades), експертів Спільного офісу підтримки JSO, представників Регулятора, інших зацікавлених сторін проекту.

Технічна нарада підбила підсумки роботи в рамках виконання Завдання 5 (Підготовка типових технічних рішень і документації з безпеки для ремедіації «проблемних» сховищ РАВ і розробка дорожньої карти реабілітації) і Завдання 3 (Комплексні оцінки безпеки та ранжування сховищ за ступенем їх небезпеки) та окреслила основні напрямки роботи щодо поточних та майбутніх Завдань проекту для координації наступних кроків.

До уваги учасників було представлено наступні презентації:

  • Презентація робочого процесу з технічним рішенням та попередніх висновків для розробки технічного рішення для відновлення проблемних сховищ твердих відходів на ДМСК в Києві, Харкові та Львові;
  • Особливості, події, процеси, важливі для довгострокової безпеки сховищ в ДМСК;
  • Особливості, події, процеси, пов’язані з концепцією вилучення відходів;
  • Особливості, події, процеси, пов’язані з експлуатаційною безпекою сховищ в ДМСК.

За результатами розгляду і обговорення наявної підсумкової інформації від Консультанта, актуальних Завдань пріоритетної важливості для Бенефіціарів та Кінцевих користувачів, обміну попередніми результатами, успішно досягнуто головну мету технічної наради – чітке визначення наступних кроків для просування проекту:

  • Визначені терміни проведення наступного технічного семінару щодо технічного рішення, який буде підготовлений на основі послідовних координаційних нарад експертів проекту при взаємодії з Замовником (жовтень 2019 р.);
  • Узгоджено висновок щодо основних припущень для довгострокової оцінки безпеки;
  • Досягнуто консенсусу щодо принципів вилучення відходів;
  • Досягнута домовленість щодо вичерпного переліку ініціюючих подій для охоплення всіх важливих сценаріїв для оцінки експлуатаційної безпеки.

Технічні наради, ініціатором яких виступає Корпорація «Укратомприлад», це дієвий інструмент забезпечення врахування думки кожного експерта і формування та реалізації спільної стратегії для успішної реалізації кожної наступної Задачі проекту. Тому до процесу організації і проведення спільних технічних нарад корпорація підходить з усією серйозністю. Тим паче, це важливо з огляду на те, що розробка типових технічних рішень і відповідних обґрунтувань безпеки тісно взаємопов’язана з розробкою комплексних оцінок безпеки для майданчиків ДМСК. Відтак, команда експертів розробляє інтегрований графік реалізації всіх задач проекту таким чином, щоб роботи за Задачами 3, 4 і 5 виконувалися паралельно і взаємодоповнюювали одна одну.

Нагадаємо, що загальними цілями даного проекту міжнародної технічної допомоги є:

  • Виконання комплексних оцінок безпеки для майданчиків п’яти спецкомбінатів ДК «УкрДО «Радон» (Київський, Харківський, Дніпропетровський, Одеський та Львівський ДМСК) і визначення поточного стану «проблемних» сховищ;
  • Передача ДК «УкрДО «Радон» стійкої здатності до виконання оцінки безпеки, шляхом проведення кваліфікованого навчання для призначених фахівців Кінцевого Користувача, як в Україні, так і за кордоном;
  • Проектування заходів щодо реабілітації «проблемних» сховищ, розташованих на п’яти майданчиках Кінцевого користувача: розробка звіту з типовими технічними рішеннями, дорожньої карти реабілітації, необхідної проектної документації і обгрунтування безпеки та наступне погодження з Регулюючим органом.

Reconstruction of the boiler house in Ternopil is proceeding

Salute you, dear Sirs!

Hence, elections are coming and going on, presidents and governments are changing, politicians are in vain trying adopt fateful laws, but among this turbulent symphony there is the invincible boulder, namely “Ukratominstruments” Corporation, which works under the project of transferring Boiler-house to a biofuel in the beautiful city of Ternopil (14A, Kupchinsky Street)! This project is international and is funded by the Northern Environmental Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida).

Thus, under the guidance of experienced specialists of the Corporation at this time it is completed the installation of:
– Automatic and mechanical fuel storage (by the way, worthwhile to show the tourists, because the volume of the reservoir – 150 m3);
– automated transport of fuel;
– flue gas cleaning and ash removal (Fine city – Fine ecology);
– pneumatic impulse cleaning of the surface convection of the boiler (as it is XXI century).

As always, the Corporation’s business card is traditionally strict observance of safety standards at the facility.

Boiler reconstruction project in Ternopil is a pilot, because the conversion of gas boilers in biofuel without changing design has not been enforced in Ukraine. Thus, the pilot project will be another interesting benefit of “Ukratominstruments” Corporation and against the background of the state program to reduce gas consumption by renewable energy will have a chance to continue…

Therefore, unlike the political news, we are always going according to plan! So follow the publications on our site!

The next stage of cooperation with European partners

More recently – namely on April 26, we recalled another sad date: 33rd anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. Third century … This is the third century human civilization eliminate the consequences of the fatal mistake!

Worth reminding that after the accident it was accumulated a large amount of radioactive wastes at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In addition to them, in connection with the start of works for dismantling the infamous 4th power unit and decommissioning of units №№ 1-3, in coming years it is expected the delivery of additional volume of contaminated metal structures and other materials that after decontamination can be reused. In order to automate the process for the release of the said metal from regulatory control under the auspices of the European Commission the project “Creating the facility to release materials from regulatory control on the Chernobyl NPP (U4.01/11E)”.

As a result, from April 29 to May 3, 2019 representatives of “Ukratominstruments” corporation participated in the factory tests of the main equipment of the above mentioned project which was held in the Czech Republic, at the premises of the “VF as” company. The test was attended by representatives of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the European Commission.

During the tests, special attention was paid directly to the stationary unit for the release, namely- FRM-03: the basic functions for the measurement and identification of the contamination degree of radioactive materials was demonstrated. Also participants were shown the work of installation of security systems. In general, the tests were successful. The follow-up stage is delivery of the equipment to the site, installation, commissioning, acceptance testing on site. But this will be provided in the following news. Keep an eye on the process!

Thus, not without pride we can state that the “Ukratominstruments” corporation retains membership in a very prestigious club of the liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster.

On March 28, 2019, “Ukratominstruments” Corporation held a technical meeting of the Working Group under the Project U4.01/14C (Safety Assessment of Radioactive Waste Management Sites of ‘Radon’).

On March 28, 2019, a regular technical meeting of the U4.01 / 14C Project Working Group took place with the participation of representatives of the consortium and a wide range of stakeholders, namely: the Beneficiary, the State Agency for the Exclusion Zone Managements (SAUMEZ), the End User – the State Corporation “Ukrainian State Association “Radon” (SC “Ukr SA”Radon”), the State Interregional Specialized Plants (SISP), which are part of the SC “Ukr SA”Radon”, with participation of technical experts, Key and Non-key project experts (from “Ukratominstruments” Corporation, Brenk, DMT and Plejades), experts of the JSO, Joint Support Office, Regulator’s Representatives, and other stakeholders of the project.

The technical meeting summed up the work on the implementation of Task 2 Project U4.01/14C, namely, the analysis of input data for safety assessment and the development of typical technical solutions, and outlined the main directions of work for the current and future Project Tasks to coordinate the further steps.

The following presentations were presented to the attention of the participants:

  • General characteristics and key features of the existing situation at SISP sites;
  • Sufficiency of available input data for the project purposes;
  • Recommendations regarding possible ways of acquiring missing data;
  • Preliminary analysis of uncertainties and their impact on safety assessments and development of standard technical solutions under the project;
  • Results of previously implemented or on-going national and international projects;
  • Analysis of a set of specialized computer codes used by SC UkrSA Radon for safety assessment;
  • Preliminary conclusion for measures at the SISP sites;
  • Analysis of the project risks;
  • Next project steps related to Task 3: Comprehensive Safety Assessment and Task 5: Standardized Technical Solution: Recommendations.

Therefore, based on the results of consideration and discussion of the available summary information from the Consultant, Priorities for Beneficiaries and End Users, the exchange of preliminary results, the main objective of the technical meeting of the project was successfully achieved – a clear definition of the next steps to foster the project implementation. The technical meetings initiated by the “Ukratominstruments” Corporation are an effective tool for ensuring the consideration of each expert’s opinion and the formation and implementation of a joint strategy for the successful implementation of each of the further Project Tasks. Consequently, the corporation is approaching the process of organizing and holding joint technical meetings with all seriousness.

The materials of the technical meeting form the basis of the drafted Task 2 Report, which has already been forwarded to the Beneficiary and the End User for consideration and approval.

Recall that the overall objectives of this international technical assistance project are:

  • Implementation of comprehensive safety assessments for the five SISP of SC “Ukr SA”Radon” (Kiev, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa and Lviv SISP) and determination of the current condition of the “problematic” storages;
  • Transfer of sustainable capability to the SC “Ukr SA”Radon” in safety assessment by conducting qualified training for designated End-user specialists, both in Ukraine and abroad;
  • Design of remediation measures for problematic storages located at five End user sites: developing the report with typical technical solutions, Remediation roadmap, related design documentation and safety case and subsequent Regulator approval.

Specialists of the “Ukratominstruments” corporation carried out the study visit to the construction site of the Centralized Spent Fuel Storage Facility (CSFSF) from domestic nuclear power plants.

It will be recalled, as of the day Ukraine exports spent fuel from Rivne, Khmelnytsky and Yuzhnoukrainska NPPs for temporary storage to Russia annually spending 150-200 million $. On June 7, 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 380-p “About approval of the project” Construction of the Centralized Spent Fuel Storage Facility for spent nuclear fuel reactors of the VVER type of domestic nuclear power plants”. The contractor in providing technology for the storage and production of exclusive equipment is the American company “Holtec International”, while the function of operation of the storage facility is entrusted to SE “NNEGC” Energoatom”. The contractor is PJSC “Ukrenergomontazh”. The introduction of CSFSF in operation is scheduled for March 2020.
An important issue during the operation of the CSFSF is the maintenance of a high level of radiation safety in the process of performing technological operations, automated continuous monitoring of the operational situation at the facility, as well as the prevention of emergencies. This task is provided by the radiation monitoring system (RMS).
In February 2019, the “Ukratominstruments” corporation entered into an agreement with PJSC “Ukrenergomontazh” for the development and implementation of the RMS of the CSFSF. Within the framework of the contract, works on the development of design solutions, operational documentation, preparation for the introduction into operation, personnel training, commissioning, assembly and testing will be carried out.
In order to improve the environmental radio ecological state control in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, the data from the RMS system of CSFSF will be integrated into the comprehensive radiation monitoring and early warning system (CRMEWS), which was developed and put into operation by “Ukratominstruments” corporation in 2011.
So way, participation in this project is one of the priority directions of the “Ukratominstruments” corporation activity. The management of the Corporation expressed the wish to strengthen and further develop a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with the NAEK “Energoatom”.

“Ukratominstruments” corporation in the Ternopil region

On March 18, 2019, “Ukratominstruments” corporation started installation works in the framework of the project on transferring of a local boiler-house on the 14A Kupchynsky Street to a biofuel in Ternopil. A large-scale energy saving project involves the use of modern technology that will allow the local community to significantly reduce utility costs.
At the stage that has started, in the near future, the Corporation will install and connect the equipment (incl. auxiliary equipment), as well as the electrical part and automation system. In addition, the facility will be equipped with modern fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing systems. In this case, internal sealed fire doors will be installed and the emergency exit from the building will be mounted.
Taking into account long-term experience and constant corporate traditions, during the performance of the above-mentioned works, the “Ukratominstruments” corporation will ensure strict compliance with high safety standards at the production site.

“Ukratominstruments” specialists further visited the remaining radioactive waste management facility Lviv SISP of SC “Ukr SA “Radon”

On March 2019, the “Ukratominstruments” corporation and international consortium experts of the EC Project U4.01/14C “Comprehensive Safety Assessment of Radioactive Waste Management Sites operated by State Corporation “Ukrainian State Association ‘Radon’ and Design of Remediation for Specific Facilities”, finalized the visits to separate RAW management facilities that are thepart of the State Corporation” Ukrainian State Association “Radon” (hereinafter – the SC “Ukr SA “Radon”), by carrying out the visit to the Lviv SISP.

Therefore, the priorities for all project participants and stakeholders in the framework of Task 2 Project performance are implemented in full. In its turn, this has ensured a gradual transition to the implementation of the following, no less important Project Objectives, namely, the Comprehensive Safety Assessment and the development of a Standardized Project Technical Solution.
Purpose of Lviv SISP visit is familiarization with the key features of the existing situation on the radioactive waste management on the SISP’s sites in order to summarize the results and verify the adequacy of the data and documents available, make recommendations and conclusions on the measures that are to be implemented to the extent priority, as well as – to conduct preliminary analysis of uncertainties and their impact on future safety assessments and development of standard technical solutions within the project.

The attention of specialists in particular was focused on the study of:

  • Engineering-geological characteristics of problematic RAW sites
  • Physical-geographical characteristics of the territory
  • Particularities of the use of land resources located in the sanitary protection zone
  • Demographic data of the nearest settlements
  • Technical condition of the Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) storages Solid Radioactive Waste (SRW) storages, and other facilities of the Radon SISP
  • Nuclide condition of radioactive waste storages
  • Basic technological processes
  • as well as obtaining general information about problematic RW Lviv SISP sites.

The collected data have become a significant contribution to the development of the of the Task 2 Project Technical Report which is already sent to the End User and the Beneficiary for consideration and approval.

FYI: the overall objective of this international technical assistance project is to implement comprehensive safety assessments for five specialized facilities of the State Corporation “Ukrainian State Association ‘Radon’ and to develop measures for rehabilitation and remediation for problematic storages.

“Ukratominstruments” obtained subsequent ISO 9001: 2015 quality certificate issued by TÜV Thüringen e.V.

“Ukratominstruments” corporation yet again successfully passed the ТІС audit procedure, provided by the certification and personnel authority of TÜV Thüringen e.V. and confirmed the high standard quality system, implemented since 2003. By results of the audit corporation has received subsequent certificate of conformity of ISO 9001:2015 quality management system – the only document on the compliance of security that gives confidence in the safety of products and services received by the consumer and acknowledges the transparency of production processes, built on the use of the most effective resources with minimal impact on the environment. This is the business card of the corporation.

It should be noted that the implementation of quality management system – is a strategic decision of the “Ukratominstruments” corporation, one of the factors that helps not only keep on its activity, but also become one of the strongest in its field, not only in Ukraine but also abroad.

“Ukratominstruments” corporation has always tried to maintain a reputation as a supplier of competitive and quality products in the context of domestic and foreign markets. And for the time being it succeeds in it. ISO Certificates may be obtained by different companies of different sectors, but only if they can demonstrate responsibility to the experts and total quality control of manufactured goods and services. The certificate, of course, does not set quality standards for separate specific goods or services, but it determines the efficiency of production and management, from which, in fact, the quality depends on.

Obtaining the ISO 9001:2015 certificate helps “Ukratominstruments” corporation to solve a number of tasks within the business perspective, namely:

  • Improve the quality of products and services and get a positive assessment and customer loyalty;
  • To increase competitiveness both in Ukraine and abroad;
  • Establish relationships with foreign partners in international projects;
  • Obtain benefits for participation in international tenders;
  • Improve transparency of the corporation’s management activities;
  • Establish a mechanism for continuous improvement of the management system and improve the efficiency of experts at all levels.

Scope of ISO 9001:2015 certificate applies to activities such as design and development, organization of manufacturing, implementation, delivery and service of:

  • instruments and devices for radiation, ecological control and monitoring
  • information and diagnostic automated and control systems and environmental radiation monitoring systems,
  • automated early warning and detecting systems
  • conditioning devices for safe, temporary storage and transportation of nuclear waste.

The top management of “Ukratominstruments” corporation considers the product quality and system management process as the main condition for profit, stable economic position and social development for the benefit of consumers, partners, staff, shareholders and all stakeholders in the production of competitive products and services.

“Ukratominstruments” Corporation launched the international project on Safety Assessment of Radioactive Waste Management Sites of ‘Radon’.

In view of this, on January 30, 2019, the first technical Workshop of the project consortium representatives with the End User, the State Corporation “Ukrainian State Association”Radon” (SC “Ukr SA”Radon”), the State Interregional Specialized Plants (SISP), which are part of the SC “Ukr SA”Radon”, with participation of technical experts, Key and Non-key project experts (from “Ukratominstruments” Corporation, Brenk, DMT and Plejades).

The topic of the technical seminar is dedicated to the analysis of data for the safety assessment of radioactive waste storage facilities at Radon sites in Ukraine. Among the materials related to this topic, the following presentations considered at the technical seminar should be noted:

  • Data analysis for safety assessment;
  • Overview of the information provided by SC “Ukr SA”Radon” in terms of completeness and compliance with the “Guideline for the safety re-assessment of the existing storage/disposal facilities and criteria of decision-making concerning subsequent measures on these facilities”;
  • Discussion on how to manage uncertainties for retrieval approaches;
  • International Experience with waste retrieval from old storage facilities or non compliant near surface disposal facilities by example of German Asse disposal as well as international experiences with radioactive waste retrieval and processing in Canada, Hungary, Slovakia, France and Estonia;
  • Analysis of technical solutions for the removal of radioactive waste from storage facilities and proposed engineering approach.

The main objective of the technical workshop on the project was to discuss information from the

have an exchange on preliminary findings and to discuss the next steps to foster project progress.

Recall that the overall objectives of this international technical assistance project are:

  • Implementation of comprehensive safety assessments for the five SISP of SC “Ukr SA”Radon” (Kiev, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa and Lviv SISP) and determination of the current condition of the “problematic” storages;
  • Transfer of sustainable capability to the SC “Ukr SA”Radon” in safety assessment by conducting qualified training for designated End-user specialists, both in Ukraine and abroad;
  • Design of remediation measures for problematic storages located at five End user sites: developing the report with typical technical solutions, Remediation roadmap, related design documentation and safety case and subsequent Regulator approval.

Citizens of Oster city were provided with heat without prevarication or delays

Since 2015, Ukratominstruments Corporation, being a member of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) program with the territorial community of Oster city of Chernihiv region for the production and supply of thermal energy, has re-equipped the local boiler house by installing solid fuel boilers and building a new heat pipeline division. This year, the Corporation successfully completed all the necessary measures to prepare the boiler house and heating networks of the city for operation in the new heating season 2018-2019.
According to the order of the Oster City Council Executive Committee No. 71-p dated October 12, 2018 “On the Commencement of the Heating Season 2018-2019” and in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and temperature standards, Ukratominstruments Corporation began to supply heat to the premises of budgetary organizations, schools, hospitals and residential properties of Oster on October 16, 2018.
Let us remember that in the framework of the preparatory activities, Ukratominstruments Corporation previously executed the following works:
– replacement of 65 meters of old network pipes;
– maintenance operations of the heat pipeline (cleaning of wells, tightening of bolted connections, seal tamping, etc.) and its hydraulic tests;
– water-chemical washing of boilers.

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