One of the activities of the “Ukratominstruments” Corporation is to conduct research and development of technologies in the field of radioactive waste management. In this area, liquid radioactive waste (LRW) is especially difficult to process and requires a developed scientific and technical basis. To work with them you need to have sufficient experience and competence.
To familiarize with the existing technologies for handling LRW, the specialists of the “Ukratominstruments” Corporation visited Zaporizhzhya NPP. They got acquainted with the peculiarities of the behavior with LRW at the ZNPP, discussed the advantages and problems in the management of radioactive waste.
For reference. At ZNPP, a complex for reprocessing of RW has been built and is preparing for industrial operation in full accordance with the regulatory base of Ukraine and corresponds to the modern scientific and technical level. Complex for reprocessing of RW will provide the whole range of works with the subsequent possibility of transferring RW to the final storage.