Home ⁄ 2019 ⁄ January ⁄ 25

“Ukratominstruments” corporation proceeds on realization of the international ecological project in Ternopil region

“Ukratominstruments” corporation proceeds on implementation in the city of Ternopil of the environmental project on re-equipment of the local boiler house. The financial support of the project is provided by the investment fund of the EU countries, the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA); the thermal networks communal enterprise “Ternopilmiskteplocomunenergo” is the Customer.

The corporation specialists developed a design project for reconstruction in the city of Ternopil boiler houses on the 14a Kupchinsky  street with its converting  to biofuels, which received a positive expert opinion of the scientific production company “Inproject”.

As of the day, all works are executed by the Corporation according to the schedule. It should be noted separately that, since the project provides advanced biofuel incineration solutions that will significantly reduce the cost of natural gas, in the current economic conditions it is of paramount importance to the local community.

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