Ukratominstruments Corporation is the developer of the Control Center for Transportation of Radioactive Materials (CCTRM) by road on the territory of Ukraine. This project is funded by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.
Read More“Ukratominstruments” corporation performs the development of project and design documentation for the radiation monitoring systems (RMS) of radiation-dangerous objects in accordance with Technical Specifications for each object.
Read MoreUnder the State Program on improvement of ecological situation Ukratominstruments Corporation developed and implemented an automated system of integrated environmental monitoring (ASIEM) in Dneprodzerzhinsk, which is a part of the environmental monitoring system of Dnepropetrovsk region.
Read MoreКорпорацією “Укратомприлад” розроблено та впроваджено інноваційну котельню для спалювання радіоактивно-забрудненої деревини, а також реалізовано проєкти з побудови/реконструкції котельних у таких містах, як: Івано-Франківськ, Херсон, Запоріжжя, Чернігів, Одеса, Суми, Луцьк, Львів, Миколаїв, а також с. Оране і багато інших населених пунктів.
Read MoreРоботи зі створення Автоматизованої системи контролю за нерозповсюдженням радіоактивного забруднення в зоні відчуження тривають. У зв’язку з руйнуванням моста через р. Прип’ять в Чорнобильській зоні відчуження і, як наслідок, відсутністю доступу до контрольно-дозиметричного поста (КДП) “Паришів”,
26 грудня 2024 року в Києві відбулися Загальні збори Асоціації «Український ядерний форум». Корпорація «Укратомприлад», в представництві генерального директора Петренко Валерія Степановича, взяла активну участь у заході. Під час засідання були підбиті підсумки роботи
У рамках проекту ІСЯБ U4.01/18B корпорація «Укратомприлад» успішно виконала наступні ключові роботи з модернізації системи дозиметричного контролю на об’єктах «Вектор» та ПЗРВ «Буряківка». Слід відмітити Основні результати робіт: Демонтаж застарілого обладнання: демонтовано та передано ДСП «Екоцентр» існуючі стаціонарні радіометри
Founded in 2003, "Ukrainian Atom Instruments and Systems" (Ukratominstruments) corporation carries on mission to prevent the harmful effects of radioactive substances and ionizing radiation on the environment and humans. Corporate headquarters is located in Kyiv, Ukraine.
The strategic goal of the corporation is to provide comprehensive equipment for industrial enterprises and organisations, covering the full cycle of work from the beginning of design to technical support during operation. We achieve our goals by: Implementation of only
Read More"Ukrartominstruments" Corporation has successfully implemented projects in various fields of activity
The Alternative Heat Generation Module (AHGM) is an effective solution for providing heat supply in the absence of gas or electricity for buildings or structures up to 2000 m². The system is designed to run on solid fuel (wood, wood
View ProjectWith the financial support of the French AEC on behalf of the Government of the French Republic within the framework of the G8 Global Partnership Programme (contract No. 4000 453 966), Ukratomprylad Corporation developed and manufactured a transport packaging set
View Project“Ukratominstruments” Corporation developed, manufactured and implemented a radiation monitoring and early warning system in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone under the TACIS programme (Project U4.01/05). The end user of the system is the SSE “Ecocenter” (Chornobyl). Read more about the project
View ProjectFor UAP innovation is the engine of sustainable growth, which is achieved through research and advanced practices of introducing new advanced technologies and tools in the market of Ukraine and abroad.
The laboratory is certified in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On metrology and metrological activity» and conducts activities under the laws of Ukraine
Read MoreThe team consists of qualified experts experienced in program development from embedded-level to windows and web- applications.
Read MoreYou can order any product from the Polimaster and Instantel catalogues from us!
Read MoreCorporate philosophy is “Clean future for our children”. We are improving with each new project in order to improve the quality of services for our clients. Cooperation with the JSO, STCU, SNRIU, financial institutions, European Commission, EBRD, NEFCO, World Bank allowed us to accumulate experience in various fields of activity and improve the quality of works according to the standards of Ukraine and EU. The team of Ukratominstruments Corporation consists of experts with more than 20 years of experience in the areas of the corporation's activities, that guarantees insomuch the high quality of work performance for clients.
Projects implemented
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what our clients says about us...?
The work was carried out in accordance with the current rules and regulations, according to the terms of reference and the terms of the contract, with the appropriate quality and in a timely manner. We hope for our further cooperation.
Director of DSP "TsPPVV"Employees of the corporation “Ukratomprilad” have demonstrated a high level of qualification and responsibility. All works were carried out on a high professional level, qualitatively and in due time. We look forward to further mutual cooperation with your company.
Director of KP "Teplostostachannya mista Odesi"All works were performed qualitatively and in terms of the contract. In the shortest possible time there were solved questions, demonstrated high level of professionalism, clear execution and understanding of the importance of tasks.
General Director of "Smilaenergopromtrans Ltd."Separately we can note the high level of professionalism of the specialists of the corporation “Ukratomprilador” both in terms of technical competence and in terms of understanding the requirements of the Customer, which contributed to the successful and timely implementation of all project tasks.
Head of Capital Construction Department of Uman City CouncilIf you have any questions, please fill out the contact form
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