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Automation of production technology in mining and metals industry

Radioisotope instruments e.g. radioisotope density meters, thickness meters, level meters, gamma balance meters, gamma relays, etc. are widely used in the national economy. At present, within CIS countries, tens of thousands of these devices are used. Their main advantages are contactless, accuracy and reliability. The largest consumers of radioisotope devices are ferrous and non-ferrous metal enterprises (65%).

Commercially available radioisotope instruments and devices are conveniently classified according to their technological features. In accordance to this, all devices can be divided into three groups:

devices for the quantitative characterization of product materials;

devices for measurement and control of the quality characteristics of materials and products;

devices for control of the technological process behavior.

To solve the technological problems of the first group, the relay devices, level meters, flow meters, dispensers, and productivity meters are used. To solve the technological problems of the second group, the relay devices, volume weight meters, thickness meters, moisture meters, density meters and composition analyzers are used. To solve the problems of the third group, a chain of different radioisotope devices in conjunction with other instrumentation is most often used.

Ukratominstruments Corporation performs the integrated supply (design works, mounting, commissioning, putting into operation, certification and metrological attestation, personnel training, warranty and post-warranty service) of up-to-date equipment of leading domestic and foreign manufacturers for non-contact control of:

Humidity (with density compensation) of various loose media;

Density of various loose media, solutions and suspensions;

Level of liquids, solutions and loose media;

Thickness of rolled metals, structures and coatings.

Use of radioisotope methods and up-to-date technologies allows controlling the basic technological parameters operatively and with high accuracy, optimizing the systems of automatic control of technologic processes and guaranteeing high quality production.

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